Friday, April 9, 2010

Getting students into the GAME (or How to make our kids GAMEy)

The following are the NETS-S performance indicators for students: (1) Creativity and innovation, (2) communication and collaboration, (3) research and information fluency, (4) critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making, (5) Digital citizenship, and (6) Technology operations and concepts. The GAME plan is a problem-solving process which consists of defining a Goal, implementing an Action, Monitoring progress, and Evaluating and extending the process in a fluid manner.

Looking at the NETS-S performance indicators, it would appear that indicator (4) would be well-served by having students use the GAME plan, too. Not only could I model its use in my own presentations, but students could practice it in their problem-based learning assignments. The plan is applicable to problems of any type and so would easily extrapolate to “lifelong learning.” Critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making are probably the most important skills we can foster in the education of our students.


  1. Tim,
    I liked how you turned the GAME plan around and are applying it to your students. Quite frankly I just never thought of it and it makes great sense. What would be more authentic.

  2. Tim,

    I agree that critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making are the most important skills we can give our students. You seem to have a good understanding of the NETS-S. I like that fact you are applying them to your students properly. Your use of the GAME plan with students is also a great idea.

  3. Tim,
    Glad to hear that you are getting some software. That would be awesome if you could get the whole thing for free. I am looking into Google Docs to use in my classes as well. I like the format that they use and as you say this will be a good way to ensure everyone is working on a PowerPoint together. I’m not sure the answers to your questions because I have many of the same questions myself. I will be messing with this in the next couple of days, so if I find anything out I will let you know.
