Tuesday, March 23, 2010

GAME over (only kidding...)

Looking at my GAME plan, I see that at least I am checking the blogs of my colleagues (my first goal)—but it is not yet a natural process (like the checking of my email). In fact, I wouldn’t even be checking any blogs (much less entering this post to mine) if it wasn’t required of the course. This is not because I think blogging is a waste of time—it is merely because I am not yet used to it. I don’t even think of it unless someone tells me to!

As far as my second goal is concerned, one of the engineers I work with in robotics has agreed to help me with CAD after the competition season ends. We are both strapped for time at the moment, and we will probably communicate via email. He has proposed getting me access to a CAD program, in the meantime, and that, at least, is a start. I have no grandiose plans right now to git ‘er done, but I think that over the summer break I can begin to master the program.
In the meantime, back to robotics, graduate school, teaching, and sleeping (with an occasional martini thrown in for good measure).


  1. Tim,
    I really found your post very entertaining. Your use of humor is greatly appreciated. I have found that using a blog in my classroom with my students very effective. I must admit that I would not use blogs either unless I use them in my classes at school or in this course. I have found the name of the drawing program the construction tech prep class at my school uses. It is a Cad program called Autodesk Inventor that creates 3D drawings. The students use it to construct various designs for their construction classes. After asking the students about it, I have found that they really like it. Some of the students won a competition for design at our local technical institute using the software. The Robotics team at my school has their first competition in Cleveland this weekend. Good luck to your team if your season is starting or has started already.

  2. Tim,

    I second the motion about your good use of humor in your blog. I also have difficulty remembering to read my peer group blogs let alone my own blog.

    I even forgot my own blog address in the beginning and had to go back through my web history to find the site where I created it and then had to ask them my username and password.

    One of the things I have found with using various CAD programs is that you just need to practice with them over and over. At least for me, there is no magic pill that makes it easy.

    I only wish I had more time to practice, as your skills always seem to diminish over time if you don't use them.

    take care

    Rob Zingg

  3. Tim,
    A martini sounds good about now. Time is the biggest obstacle that I am facing as well. I think this time of the year is busy for everyone. When making my goals for my personal GAME Plan I thought I would be much further than I am at this point. It is good to hear that you will have some help in this endeavor and that you will be able to access the CAD program. This is defiantly a good start and as time permits you will be able to integrate this technology into your classroom. Good luck to you and your robotics team.

  4. Tim,
    I would have to say I loved reading your blog, it made me chuckle and I found I was similar to you in that I have the best of intentions in blogging but time seems to be a problem. I am sure once this Walden course ends I will try to blog once a week or perhaps once a month or ……….
    Good luck with your Robotics and CAD projects and keep up your good humor.
    Jennifer Hardy

  5. Tim,

    Thanks for the honest blog post. I am just as bad at making sure I check the entries of our cohorts. It is just difficult because I am strapped for time as well and this course seems to be demanding a bit more than I can handle at the present. However I have been able to take some time to review comments and posts. I like the martini comment but prefer bourbon!

  6. Tim,

    As all our colleagues that commented before me, I enjoyed your humor and this is so uplifting after a hectic final week of second period. Most students have started their Easter holidays for a two week period. I will only have my adult students throughout the Easter break.
    I have been able to read the blogs but have not been able to answer them, so I am not much better off than you are.


  7. Tim,

    I have to agree with you in that checking the blogs is not really a "natural" occurrence. I check email constantly when at work, but signing into Google Reader is still not on the top of my "automatic" list.

    I also feel that this time of the year is the beginning of wrap up. One of my students mentioned that there are thirty-five days left and it sent me into a mini panic. I feel, like you, that I will be able to gain more control over the technology available at my school over the summer when I am supposed to have more time to myself.

